Craft Lightning Valentine's Sands of Time

Thursday, January 21, 2016

 Hello my Darlins', Today we are going to learn the steps to make you your own personalized cards at home for Valentine's Day. It is time for a Craft Lightning Post with my friends.
Plus 40 more creative bloggers sharing crafts that will take you less than 15 minutes to make. There is more we are all providing a Free Printable for you.
  Let's get down to business on how to make your free Valentine's Day Card. Click here to and save to your computer as a Jpeg. File to start your card.

Thank goodness Prince Charming whisked me away on a vacation to Cabo San Lucas a few weeks ago. Thank you, Cabo! We have Snow and a warming temperature of 12 degrees.
Now go to your browser and type in Open the site, then click edit, next my computer, find your jpeg where you saved it. I would suggest looking in your picture file and name the jpeg Valentine's Day Card.
Once you open it in Picmonkey it will look like this on your screen.
I chose a free font named Quicksand for our cards. The crown you see means that font is not free.  Click the text you like and hit Add Text.

Simple so far right? Now you are personalizing your card. Type your word or 
two in the text box.
 This box will pop up with choices of colors, Bold and centered worked best for this card.
Then choose a color by highlighting the word and sliding your cursor across the shades until you find one you like.The blue highlighted word is the type of printing which lets the sand texture show through.
 When you like what you have created save. This is what you will see. Click the green bar which reads save to my computer. My suggestion would be to save each one as you typed the word. An example would be Pictures, valentines day card sweetheart.
You have completed your first personalized Valentine's Day card for free. Now you can go wild printing cards on cardstock postcard style, a greeting card, on paper or whatever your heart desires. Follow your printer instructions on printing the type of card you want to give. Look at how darling these came out. I made a couple with printer paper, added washi tape and a sentiment. Done! You can even send them as email cards. How cool is that?

         Happy Valentine's Day! Be sure to visit all the other wonderful crafters and grab your free printables too.

~ Let Your Creative Spirit Dance  ~

Until Next Time Happy Creating,         

    Karen Marie

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1 comment:

Angie Holden said...

So very sweet! Thanks for joining!