My Darlin' Elves we have a problem. I joined this group to create a recipe for Christmas. I made a promise to myself that I will never put a recipe on my D&LP unless to share one about aging wood or something building, staining or project related. Hmmm! How to keep my promise and add a recipe. This is a bit like the wonderful blog +TheKimSix Fix faced with her recent toilet paper roll project recently. Never say never right, Kim.
I figured it out. Yep! You can use this simple recipe to share a cup of tea with your friends or you can stain a fabric from white to ivory.
I figured it out. Yep! You can use this simple recipe to share a cup of tea with your friends or you can stain a fabric from white to ivory.
Here are the suggested ingredients for making tea. Now if this seems a bit silly I understand. I don't drink coffee or tea but, guests, my Mom, sister, and Nana are tea lovers.
This picture is filled with meaning. The white table runner is from Prince Charming's side of the family. While the Cross-stitched tea dyed cotton lace piece is from my Mom's side of the family. The creamer and sugar set are Westmoreland Milk Glass the Cherry design from my Mom. She has an amazing collection and gifted this to me last Christmas.
Truly please visit some time but as for tea, I will boil the water and give you any tea you like to make yourself. I am not good at making it at all.
Some of you may think I forgot the tea bag in the picture. Actually, that is right where my Grandma would have it as she sipped her tea. I am not messing with Grandma's style so please understand that tea bag could be used again during the day since she likes her tea on the lighter side.
This process of dyeing is quite easy, but I would not do it with children for obvious reasons. My son was in a wedding and we could not find an ivory dress shirt or socks. finally. I bought a white shirt and socks then used the above method to dye them. I wasted a lot of time shopping when this took me less than a half hour without drying the clothing.
This is also a wonderful way to age just about anything, As I am writing this post I am already planning a few follow ups on using tea or other food products to age fabrics, wood, and other porous materials.
Caught my eye because it reminds me of a snowflake and a button. Two of my favorite things, It is also very creative and earthy
This is certainly a great gift since you can eat peanut butter for protein and every day needs a piece of chocolate.
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Until Next Time Happy Creating,
Karen Marie
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