The plan was to get this accomplished on Monday. I finished it Wednesday night with a few bumps in the road due to equipment failure. Yes failures happen to bloggers all the time. We are human and have the same frustrations as other people when their machines do not work.
Here is what I chose to print from the items I have already purchased at the Silhouette store. This was my first step.
In this picture I am showing you how to not cut the flowers because that is my pattern. Not my cut selection because I will be cutting out letters.
In this Screen Shot I chose to paste the floral pattern to fill the page. I wasn't sure how it would fit so I did it manually. There is an option on the cutter to fill page.
The next images I do not have for you but are fairly routine. I chose a Font I liked measured my hearts size and arrived at the size of letters that would fit on the hearts. On the First Page V A L E fit nicely, Second Page E N T I perfect, S' D A Y finished my words. Valentine's Day! I made sure each letter was set to the cut feature and I was on my way. The VAL came out great. The phone rings.
I am running an Auction for 375 At a Gala Affair for the 8th year in a row Saturday. I talk to the person on the phone set out some details and get back to work. Next page is all set and ready to go but the cutter will not read the registration marks. Ugh!
This is a picture of the machine taunting me as I try to get the darn thing to work. Were going to skip all that mess now because, I like to stay positive. Now moving on, after +Silhouette America customer service messaged me on Facebook to help. A lovely woman helped me and found that my software needed updating. Hooray! After two days of work it is repaired
I have finished the challenge it is now Wednesday night. I used my new photography light to simulate sunshine. It worked alright but I wanted a better picture.
God showed me mercy and the sun is out today. Thank you Lord! This is a much better picture of the banner close up.
I wanted to include one more during the day so you could see the details. I will be doing a post soon about the two pink petal hearts this week.
Now don't forget to scroll down after you connect with me below to see the many other talented people who participated in this challenge with me this month.
Fly along my blogging journey with me (Click links below to stay connected)
~ Let Your Creative Spirit Dance ~
Until Next Time Happy Creating,
Karen Marie
Please leave a comment and tell me a little about you. I also would love to get to know you. I correspond personally because, your time and comments are important to me. Show a Girl a little Blog Love!
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Please Join my talented friends who have created gorgeous work for the
February Print & Cut bonus Hearts Silhouette Challenge.
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My Silhouette Challenge buddies and I are all sharing projects on our blogs today, so peruse the projects below for a wealth of Silhouette inspiration!
1. Clever Someday // 2. TitiCrafty // 3. // 4. My Paper Craze // 5. Simply Kelly Designs // 6. Little Blue's Room // 7. Mama Sonshine // 8. Small Stuff Counts // 9. Dragonfly & Lily Pads // 10. GiveMeAPaintbrush // 11. Please Excuse My Craftermath... // 12. Barb's Life // 13. GetSilvered // 14. Lil' Mrs. Tori // 15. Minted Strawberry // 16. unOriginal Mom // 17. Where The Smiles Have Been // 18. Persia Lou // 19. Silhouette School // 20. From Whine to Whine // 21. DailyDwelling // 22. Creative Ramblings // 23. Paper Garden Projects // 24. It Happens in a Blink // 25. Perfectly Fabulous // 26. Adventures in All Things Food // 27. Create & Babble
Winter Blues Wednesday Its Party 206
Something To Talk About Link Party 3
Your'e Gonna Love It Valentine's Day
Great project Karen! I'm so glad you were able to get things working in the end - it can be so frustrating when it doesn't work right and you just can't figure out why!
I love your banner. The floral pattern of the letters is a nice touch. Every once in a while I will forget to do a no-cut so that is a great tip. Thanks for sharing your project.
Lovely banner! I'm still scared to update my original software because of all the bugs I've heard of. But I have a pixscan mat that I'd love to try out, so I will bite the bullet soon. Glad to hear the customer service helped you out.
Hi Karen Marie,
I love your banner. I haven't really attempted a true banner yet other than cutting vinyl to put on precut banner card stock. The flowers in yours are so pretty. Can't wait to see a close up of the letters to really understand how you created the print and cut. I look forward to more of your projects and seeing you in the Challenge.
I love using the roses background to cut out the letters. That's an awesome idea. Thanks for sharing!! Nancy
Oh, the trouble we have with our machines at the most inopportune times! Your banner came out beautifully and I love the font -- makes it look 'royal'.
Thanks for sharing your print & cut project! I think this would make a great Valentine's Day craft to do with my kids!
Kristy gd,
Thank you Kristy It was frustrating but it did turn out in the end. Thank you for coming by and your tremendous help.
Happy Creating,
Karen Marie
Kelly of Simply Kelly Designs,
Thanks for your comments and compliments. I truly appreciate your time and kindness.
Happy Creating,
Karen Marie
Karen Bradley slp,
Don't be afraid I know how to fix it! LOL
I am thankful Silhouette CS came through.
Happy Creating my friend,
Karen Marie
Leah AKA AZhorsetrader,
Thanks do much for your sweet words of encouragement. I am so glad you will be coming back soon. I have a print & cut tutorial on my blog about labels for my craft room. Next time you stop by click on the link in the post and it will show you exactly what to do.
Happy Creating,
Karen Marie
Thank you for your lovely visit and your empathy. Why is it that when you have everything scheduled to the moment a wrench must be thrown into the plans? Well I a grateful to the helpful CS Rep. at Silhouette who helped me out, along with the countless SC buddies who tried to help.
Happy Creating,
Karen Marie
Angela @Little Blue's Room,
I am glad you like how the banner turned out. Your description makes me feel delighted because, I was not feeling royal until you said that. Thanks you for making me smile today.
Happy Creating,
Karen Marie
Amber 565,
I am glad my banner gave you an idea of something to do with your children. Preparing for a holiday is a fun family activity. I would love to see a picture.
Happy Creating,
Karen Marie
Camila Rojas,
Thank you! I am happy with how this banner turned out. Thanks for visiting, Come back soon.
Happy Creating,
Karen Marie
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