My Favorite Christmas Movie Printable
We all have a favorite Christmas movie and mine is an oldie but goody. It is a black and white film which has been colorized. Involves a family on hard times, with an angel named Clarence. Did you guess, It's A Wonderful Life? You are right. What is your favorite movie during this time of cheer? Let me show you how easy it is to make a Printable for your house with Pic Monkey.
Welcome to the third annual 12 Days of Christmas Blog Hop!
Stop by every day from December first through the twelfth for new ideas you can use to make your season brighter!
Meet Your Hosts
They have all been busy as Elves creating, decorating, cooking and crafting tons of new ideas for you to try this holiday season!
Shirley~Intelligent Domestications I Alli~An Alli Event I Michelle~Our Crafty Mom I Marie~DIY Adulation
Erlene~My Pinterventures I Beverly~Across The Blvd. I Debra~Shoppe No. 5 I Victoria~Dazzle While Frazzled
Megan~C'mon Get Crafty I Michelle~Michelle James Designs I Amanda~Domestically Creative
Deborah~Salvage Sister & Mister I Jeanie~Create & Babble I Sherry~Olives & Okra
Jenny~Cookies Coffee & Crafts I Emily~Domestic Deadline I Bonbon~Farmhouse 40 I Susanne~Pearl Street Designs
Leanna~Of Faeries & Fauna I Pam Larmore~P.S. I Love You Crafts I Kelly~North Country Nest I Marie~The Inspiration Vault
Gail~Purple Hues and Me I Lynne~My Family Thyme I Karen~Dragonfly and Lily Pads I Trisha~Blowing Away Out West
Tomika~Life In Pumps I Rachee~Say it, "Rah-Shay" I Ra'Nesha~Queen Thrifty I Lorrin~Embrace The Perfect Mess
Jaime~Love Jaime I Serena~The Weekend Jaunts I Terri~Christmas Tree Lane I Jessica~A Southern Mother
Sam~Raggedy Bits I Rachel~Smart Mom Smart Ideas I Surya~The Busy Mom Club I Cyn~Creative Cynchronicity
Valeria~Val Event Gal I Yami~The Latino Next Door I Jeannee~Centsably Creative I Tania~Little Vintage Cottage
Lauren~Wonderfully Made I Vanessa~DIY 180 I Kimberly~A Wonderful Thought I Kim~Everyday Parties I Erica~Erica Ever After
Choose Design in Pic Monkey to start your project. There will be colors, textures and so much more to pick from while creating your printable. You can even develop your own design. Above I added two corners turned each one then centered them to my page. I wanted to make soft angel wings for the background. These are only a suggestion in the background so I faded the wings to let the words have more prominence.
The font was found in Winterland. I varied the sizes and fonts until I felt the quote was pleasing to my eyes. After I decided on the font and color I centered the words on the page.
This final step in the creative process was adding depth to the quote with a drop down shadow, giving the appropriate credit to the movie and designing a border. Now all that's left is saving the printable to your photos before pressing print in the size you would like in your home.
As I was working on this post I found out something new about my favorite movie. This is the most missed line in the film. I hope you will watch the movie to find out why. Remember my question way back at the beginning of this post. Leave a message in the comments so we can all watch each others favorite Christmas movie.
Question of the day- What is your favorite Christmas Movie?
Be sure to visit our fellow 12 Days of Christmas Bloggers below for even more creative ideas this holiday season!

Beautiful printable! It's a Wonderful Life is one of my favorites too!
That is such a great classic movie!
Picmonkey is awesome and you give a great tutorial! I'd love to answer your question about the quote, but I have no idea!
I LOVE It's A Wonderful Life and I love this saying. One of the very best from the movie. Thanks for sharing the printable. It is gorgeous!
What a beautiful printable!
This is a classic Christmas movie and a classic saying. It is a nice way to decorate for the holiday.
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