Have you ever found yourself saying One Day I will video tape the kids to freeze this moment in time. You no longer have to wait one day to catch a cute moment with your children, family and loved ones. Now you can load this free app on your I Phone or Android cellphones to capture moments today.
I found this app loaded in seconds. Using the prompts made it fun to make this silly memory of our furry little girl. We do not have young children but we do have a delightful Golden Retriever, Cricket. My Prince Charming is Crickets voice but, she told him what to say. I hope you enjoy Crickets One Day
App video. Now Featuring Cricket in her One Day instant movie maker Debut.
Thank goodness she works for treats and unconditional love. Love is certainly what Valentine's Day is all about.
You can also get the app for the Iphone too at your Apple Itunes Store for free too.
My husband I did one run through so he could see the concept. Tried one take in the kitchen but, he was across the room with our star. In order to pick up the sound you should stand no more than approx. 5 feet from who you are interviewing. This would be great to do with all generations in your family. I could imagine having my Grandma telling me stories of how she met my Grandpa. I know the story from her but I do not have a video. If I had this then it would be one of my most prized moments taped for generations to share.
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~ Let Your Creative Spirit Dance ~
Until Next Time Happy Creating,
Karen Marie
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Wait One Day App has another surprise for you.
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Karen, that was awesome! lol! Cricket is a star and I need this app. We have a golden lab named Jack and I'm pretty sure he wants to be in the movies too. That was fun. Thanks for the giggle!
omgoodness! she's soooo cute! LOVE this!
What a great video and what a fun app!!
Thanks for the blog love. Cricket is my girl.
Happy Creating,
Karen Marie
+The Kim Six Fix,I am glad you liked the App and the video Kim.
Happy Creating,
Karen Marie
Ali Williams,
I bet Jack wants to be with you all the time. They are stars in the family and in the App.
Happy Creating,
Karen Marie
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